Beliefs Not Behaviors

When we change what we believe, we change what we do.

Changing what we do without changing what we believe about it? That’s TEMPORARY change at best! Some might call it “RELIGION.”

Here are three ways to readjust our thinkingour beliefswhich can dramatically impact the habits we find so hard to change.

1. Behavior: Checking Social Media Constantly

There is nothing wrong with social media. It can be a great tool. It helps us keep in touch and may even further our businesses and passions. But we ALL KNOW how addictive social media is. We go in to answer a message and then get caught up watching a cat make itself breakfast for the next 30 minutes! Then we look at feed after feed of junk and pretty soon we’ve spent 2 hours gathering mindless data and being entertained???

Belief Change: I WILL NOT MISS OUT if I am not in constant contact.

Practical Tip: Set a time once or twice a day. Then limit the time you are on there. Surf with purpose or the surfing will control you.

2. Behavior: Complaining About Everything

External circumstances don’t determine your feelings. YOU DO THAT. Learn or practice to declare encouragement instead of complaining. It is a conscious effort on our part.

Belief Change: I CAN TRUST GOD in all circumstances

Practical Tip: Instead of declaring, “I can’t believe it’s raining again. It always rains when I want to go outside.” Try this, “Thank God it’s raining and I don’t have to water my plants and grass…I’m not spending money.”  You live in an apartment? “Thank God it’s raining and my plans have changed. I wonder what I am being protected from because of the rain.”

It’s a paradigm shift in thinking which can radically change how we handle circumstances.

3. Behavior: Blaming Others For What’s Happening In Your Life

If your response to an event is not proportionate to the event… it was never about the event. Say someone takes your parking place that you’ve been waiting for and you get out of your car and kill him and his family, was it really about the parking spot? There was something MUCH deeper already happening in you prior to that event!

Belief Change: I DO NOT HAVE TO BE RIGHT. I am here to LOVE OTHERS. I get to be kind. I do NOT have to take revenge. I get to be merciful. I do NOT have to be angry. I get to be forgiving. Mercy TRIUMPHS over judgment!!

Practical Tip: Focus your energy and time on what you can control, like improving YOU. You can control what you put in your body, think about, believe, and do. Others do NOT determine those things, YOU DO! Remember your responses to events are no one else’s responsibility.

These are just examples. The key is to focus on CHANGING BELIEFS NOT BEHAVIORS!!

– Mike