Part-time Employees Can’t Expect Full-time Benefits!

An employee working 10-15 hours part-time shouldn’t expect five paid weeks vacation, an expense account, paid sick days, free lunches, and a corner office.

But, why?

Because they haven’t committed to the company!

David said in the Psalms, “Bless the Lord and don’t forget His benefits!” (Ps 103:2).

This is the same Lord that:

  1. Forgives all your sin; past, present, future.
  2. Heals all your diseases; physical and emotional.
  3. Crowns you with mercy and kindness. A dog will find its owner when it gets lost. Dogs know the scent of their Master. God’s mercy and kindness is much the same. He will always find us no matter where we are or what we’ve done!
  4. Redeems your life from destruction. Amazingly, God uses all the evil we have caused or has been done to us and makes it turn out in our favor!
  5. Satisfies our lives with good. And if God brings the good then it is good because that is His nature.

But, these benefits are only available to full-time employees.

These amazing promises are reserved for those who have believed and received the gift of righteousness (a right standing before God) based on the finished, completed work that Jesus accomplished on the cross for us!

If we believe that Jesus died for us, we receive all the benefits of the cross on day one — we’re full-time employees. Fully invested. It’s just that simple.

What a great company to belong to!