There’s Freedom in Full Responsibility

Erica Jong once said, “Take your life in your own hands, and what happens? A terrible thing: No one to blame!”

I LOVE the insight that quote is getting at.

Most people do NOT want to take responsibility for their feelings, decisions, beliefs, and emotions. They would rather give in to a victim mentality. It’s ALWAYS about blaming other people, criticizing their own circumstances and lot in life.

This is why people LIE to others. They want to maintain this FALSE sense of control. And when LYING becomes a way of life––telling half-truths, avoiding being exposed, outright blatant lies––the person starts to believe it themselves and ends up being controlled rather than in control.

But TRUE CONTROL is when we learn to take FULL RESPONSIBILITY. How often do we think or say, “I know I am responsible for this, BUT you are ___________.” Fill in the blank. But full responsibility is not shifting the blame or complaining about people, events, or circumstances.

Consider these 3 things as we learn to take responsibility as JESUS did when HE took the blame FOR EVERYTHING HE NEVER DID.

(1) Are you facing a challenge? Get excited that you can be the solution to the very problem you may or may not have created.

(2) What can you learn from the situation you’re in? Again, you may or may NOT be the cause of the situation, BUT what can you learn from it? Remember 2 Corinthians 1:3-4. We experience “problems” and “situations” so that as we experience God’s comfort we can NOW use our experience to help others. WOW! We go through problems to help others? Even our problems are NOT about us!

(3) Inevitably other people will be a part of this process. What can you learn from them? Be humble. Mentor and be mentored.

No more making excuses, blaming, complaining or self-pity. WE HAVE PURPOSE!!!

The bottom line is this: As we go low in our hearts before men, God will raise us to a place we would never be trying to go high by ourselves.

In the end, our lives are all about HIM!!!